Thursday, January 20, 2011

Three Thought Thursday: Season 2, Episode 3

1. So pregnancy is finally starting to hit me. Physically that is. Like on the interior. I've been pleasantly surprised at how I really haven't gained any weight yet and am not "showing." How funny...when it's your first, you can't wait to start showing. By the third you're thinking Sweet! My normal pants still button and I'm almost fifteen weeks! Anyhow, I've kind of now reached the phase where the pants still button and I still have no baby bump...until about five in the evening. That's when the button comes undone and a bloated little belly appears. Mark and I did a little experiment the other day. I hopped on the scale in the morning, fresh out of bed. 135. No weight gained. At ten pm, just before I retired for the evening, I jumped on again. 142.5. For real! A total weight gain of 7.5 pounds in roughly fifteen hours! And amazingly, when I weighed in again the next morning, it was back to 135. Now that's some serious water weight! When Mark sees my un-buttoned pants he always makes little remarks like "just bust out the maternity pants!" But seriously, during the first half of the day, they'd look ridiculous. And I'll hold on to my regular wardrobe as long as possible, thank you very much. And as for pregnancy "hitting" me, I think I may have felt one or two slight little kicks or hits so far...and lots of shifts internally. You know, the kind where you're standing there, totally fine, and then all of a sudden the whole uterus shifts and suddenly you feel like you're about to pee yourself. Or someone pinched you on some unknown nerve. Totally familiar feelings, though it's been a long time. Strange and exciting all at the same time. Just a little reminder at how amazing the creation of life is. There is a human being inside of a human being! God is so cool.

2. A little fella at our house sometimes referred to as  Rudus Maximus is starting to make a big step in life. Yes, our almost-two-year-old has discovered the art of going potty. With Kolbe, we waited till he was a few months over two and then hit the potty training full on. With Rudy, I've been bound and determined to have him potty trained before the new baby is born. And as of now, I really don't think it should be too much of a problem! We've had multiple successes...and one major stumble...this week. On Friday, out of the blue, he came up to me in the morning saying Poops, Poops! and grabbing his diaper. We busted out the little potty and sat him down. He quickly got off and was a bit scared. Hoping our same trick with Kolbe might work, we turned on Elmo's Potty Time and sure enough, within a few minutes he went! Of course this was followed by a large sum of cheering and praise and I think he genuinely felt proud of himself. He repeated his feat later that afternoon with no insistence from us. Then we hit our little snag. You see, Rudy is a little bit more private than Kolbe. He's not exactly after an audience like his big brother. And sure enough, when he'd tell us that he needed to go, we'd put him on the potty, all of us standing there staring, and the poor guy would end up with stage fright. This happened for several days. To the point where we could tell he was miserable. He needed to go but didn't want to go in his diaper and disappoint us and was too afraid to go in the potty. By Sunday we had to go for the glycerin suppository to help him out. Such a violation. After a few days of clearing him out, he was back on track and has even gone #1 on the potty a few times too. Man, it sure is nice to not have to change poopy diapers! Or smell them in the diaper pail. I've been a little bit of a slacker with just "going for it" and doing the three day potty training like I did with Kolbe for multiple reasons. One, I'm not sure that the pressure method would work that well with Rudy. He seems to be doing well with seeing his big brother go and then modelling the behavior. Secondly, we've been so busy lately that it would be really hard to stay at the house for three straight days without leaving. Plus, we're going on a trip to Houston on Sunday for Kolbe's Shriners appointment. Don't think potty training would bode well with travelling. We'll get to the full-on-undie-wearing-no-more-diapers potty training soon enough. I'm just proud of my little twenty-three-month old! What a guy!

3. The prospect of moving out of Lubbock is becoming realer and realer. Mark has landed two really good interview opportunities over the next two weeks--one in the Houston area and one in the DFW area. And it's such a strange feeling. It's like for every pro there's somewhat of a con.

Wow! A great work opportunity for our family!
Gosh, we could be leaving Lubbock for good.
But we could be moving somewhere new with lots of exciting new opportunities!
But we've be leaving the little house that is our home. Where our family began.
But we'd be moving to a brand new house! And possibly one that doesn't have single pane windows that let all the heat out in the winter and all the cool out in the summer...
But we could be moving somewhere where we have no family or friends.
But we could be moving somewhere where we could meet tons of new people and start a life of our own.
But we'd have to figure out a way to move...soon! (baby-on-the-way makes this one tough!)
But we could be making a great income at a new job...soon!

See what I mean? It's tough. And even tougher when it's a whole family involved. Not just one person. We're still really just trying to listen to God and asking him to lead us to the right job in the right place. Pray for us too, please! It's scary!

1 comment:

  1. We are praying really hard for you guys! And as much as we would miss you, I know how good it was for our little family to move to a new area where we knew very few people. Joseph and I grew closer than we ever had in those few years (part of that was being newly married, part of it becoming new parents...twice over!, but a big part of it was that we had no one else to hang out with!) Though we were already best friends as well as spouses, we just grew so much closer. And of course, over time, we made friends and built our own life...just in time to move back to Lubbock! I think every family should be able to have that growing period. But I will miss you guys so much!
