Thursday, May 5, 2011

TTT: Season 2, Episode 18

1. Ahhhhh. A normal week. Finally! No dramatic hospital visit to write about. Nothing catastrophic going on with pretty much anything. Just a fairly relaxing weekend with a fairly normal start to this week. Of course, as soon as I finish typing this, my computer is bound to explode or something. Really uneventful though. I'm more pregnant than last week, I suppose. In fact, each day I feel more and more pregnant. It's kind of reached that point where I'm tired again. Sleepy the whole first trimester, great the whole second trimester, and now back to sleepy again. And achy. Sleep isn't as good...just not comfortable. Though I'm still no where near the size of some of the poor souls I see waddling out of the OB's office. (Thank you, Lord, for my long torso.) Just moving right along with the little man and me. Starting to wonder just who he will be. Kolb and Rudy, though inseparable, are so completely different. Will this little guy be more like Kolbe? More like Rudy? His own special little self? Can't wait to find out!

2. Though uneventful overall, this week has presented one not-so-fun challenge: the low to no fat diet that's required of a bad gallbladder. Um, can I just say "Boo!" I guess I didn't realize how much I loved all my good (read: bad) foods. Man, it's hard to come up with legitimate meals that have little to no grams of fat! Even some of the basics of the basics have fat! I suppose in the long run it's a good thing that I'm going through this. It's certainly making me more aware of what I'm putting in my mouth and the effect it has on my body. And hopefully after the gallbladder is gone in a few months, I'll be able to at least try to make an effort to keep up a healthier eating lifestyle. But for now, one week in, I miss the flavors. And the yummies. The chocolate and peanut butter. The spices and seasonings. And I'll be honest: I have tried a few things...just to see how my body takes it...and there is a definite difference. I can literally feel about twenty minutes after trying something I shouldn't have my poor little digestive system trying to break it down. Not a good feeling. And I don't even want to tempt it to go back to the pain I felt last Wednesday. Eek. Just going to have to keep going out of my way to manage this until it's safe to do something about it! Totally finding it ironic that a mere six or seven weeks ago the doctors were telling me to eat everything full fat, avoid "light" type items in favor of the real deal so that I'd put on some of the weight that I obviously wasn't gaining. Guess that didn't really work out either. Oh well. It's just gonna have to be what it'll be. On a positive note, Mark had a patient the other day who said that she had all kinds of digestive problems (kinda like moi) and once she finally had a gallbladder attack and had it removed, it cleared nearly everything up. Man, wouldn't that be awesome! But then again, who is Laura with out incessant belching!?! Maybe there's the possibility of there being a lady in me after all!

3. It's been a while...and now it's not just Kolbe, but Rudy too! Time for an episode of:

Kolbe Kwotes and Rudy Ramblings!

Kolbe. What can I say about the guy? He's just so busy trying to figure out the world. How everything works, why it does what it does, what his part in it can be, and on and on. And the majority of the time, his assessments turn in to something hilarious.

Kolbe: There's an airplane!
Pinkie: Where?
Kolbe: Up there!
Pinkie: Man, Kolbe. I don't see it. You sure do have good eyes.
Kolbe: I know. I'm good looking.

For the next one, a little background: In The Woodlands, there are no visible power lines. Everything is buried beneath the ground to create a more natural looking environment. We drove down into Houston the other day, though, to visit a Catholic bookstore. Driving down a busy street...

Kolbe: Pinkie, why is that wire following us?
Pinkie: What wire?
Kolbe: Up there. That wire is following us down the road.
Pinkie: Honey, those are phone lines.
Kolbe: But their following our car. Down the road.
(Amazing how he perceives what's happening when we're in motion!)

Dear Kolb has also developed a knack for saying horribly awkward things in public. Things that other people can definitely hear and I just don't quite know how to respond appropriately. Such as a question he posed to me on the toothpaste aisle at Target the other day:

Kolbe: Mama, why is that man walking?
Me: Well, I guess he's looking for some toothpaste too.
Kolbe: But he shouldn't be walking. He's old. He needs to be in a wheelchair.
Me: (Dohhhhhhhhhh!!!!)

Rudy, on the other hand, is just starting to realize the power of stringing together lots and lots of words. He doesn't necessarily say funny things quite yet, though it's fascinating to hear him become the commentator of all that takes place before his eyes: "Mama making bed." "Roley poley crawling on Mama." "Good dob, budder!" (I hear this one in the car every time Kolbe manages to buckle his own car seat buckles without help...Good job, brother!) He also loves to repeat "Bike ride." over and over again. Or at least until someone obliges and takes him on a bike ride. And I think it's precious how he calls every meal "yunch." Even when he stumbles in at 6:30am and is tugging on my arm from the side of the bed: "Mama, yunch. Yunch." Kid sure does love to eat!

He did have a little funny last night at dinner. After we were finished eating and were just sitting around visiting, he stood up in his seat and pulled his shirt up to his chest: "Mama, yook! I have baby budder in my belly!" Hey, at least we know he's finally aware of the situation at hand! Sweet little boys!

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