Thursday, July 28, 2011

TTT: Season 2, Episode 29

I'll admit it: finding the time to thoughtfully write out three entries into my little online journal here has proved to be pretty difficult in the past few weeks. Yes, I do have random bits of free time, but it's just that--bits. Realistically I like to take close to an hour or so to really think about the week and write it all out. The chunks of time I have now are more like five minutes here, five minutes there. And usually they're filled with things like getting myself dressed, starting another load of laundry, reading through the mail for the day, etc. But I realize that all things are temporary and there will come a time where I'll be able to write at length again. Just have to remind myself to enjoy the season before it passes.

So instead of my usual lengthy paragraphs, I thought I'd just throw out a few tidbits--things I want to remember. Or maybe forget! Things that bring a smile to my face.

- Rudy is doing fantastic with the potty training. I really shouldn't even say 'training.' He's already trained. In fact, he's even waking up in the morning dry. He's pretty much the coolest kid ever for potty training himself. Took a major load off of my plate, that's for sure.

- Grant turned one month old on Sunday. Has it really been a month? It sure doesn't seem like it. But you can certainly tell by looking at him. He has already changed so much. In fact, I took him to get weighed at the lactation center at our hospital. He weighed nine pounds and four ounces! That's nearly two-and-a-half pounds since we left the hospital one month ago. Kiddo likes to eat! And he looks a lot like Kolbe.

- I finished round two of antibiotics on Sunday. So far the mastitis hasn't come back. Still isn't pain free, unfortunately, but we're working on it.

- A few days ago I was wrestling around on the floor with the big boys. I was all stretched out on the floor when Kolbe said, "Mama why is your belly flat?"
I replied, "Well, Kolbe, there's not a baby in there anymore. The only reason it was big was because Grant was in there. No more baby!"
And what I got in response was: "Well, there needs to be another baby in there. 'Cause I need to have a sister."
Sheesh. Give my poor body a break, kid!

- Hormonal imbalances post baby are not cool. I've just about had it with my share of tearing up while reading random kids books, breaking out in random sweats for no reason, and going from "happy mama" to if-you-don't-leave-my-presence-right-this-second-I'm-going-to-snap at the drop of a dime. For the most part, I'm my normal self, but watch out!

- Last Friday my mom and I decided to get brave and take all three boys down to Reliant Stadium (where the Texans play) to see the Barnum and Bailey's Circus. We weren't sure if it was going to be a great experience or a total flop. I'll sum it up by saying that the boys have asked to go to the circus every single day since last Friday. They loved it! And they were fabulous. After witnessing multiple children have total meltdowns, it left me with the feeling that hey, I've got some pretty good kids!

- Ready for some pictures of the past few weeks in the life of The Asmussens?

What's not to love about a sleeping baby?
Two little monkeys jumping on the bed...the boys love to climb up on the bed and watch me change and dress Grant after bath time.

Working on my cheeks and my double chin!

First taste ever of cotton candy at the circus! (Rudy would have nothing to do with it but Kolbe...Mr. Sweet Tooth...loved it!) You know it's not good for you when you wake up the next morning and the leftovers in the bag have shrunk down to a small hard ball of sugar.

Look, Mom! Three brothers holding hands!

Mr. One-Month-Old!

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