Thursday, September 15, 2011

TTT: Season 2, Episode 36

1. This past week has been a fun, sports-filled week for two little Asmussen boys. Namely, Kolbe and Reagan. Grant got in on the mix a little bit too, but the big guys were the main ones to benefit. On Friday night, Mark took the boys to their first high school football game of the season: The Woodlands High vs. Strake Jesuit. Last fall, back in Lubbock, Mark loved to take Kolbe to see Frenship Tiger games. (his alma mater where he played on the O line) This year, Rudy is old enough to go too. In all honesty, I think it's actually more enjoyable for Mark. Something for him to go "do." A way to take a break from the hectic work week and partake in one of his favorite past times. And, as I like to see it, a way to give the wifey a break. Sure, the boys love all of the fanfare too, but I'm sure to them it just looks like a bunch of chaos down on the field. They'll learn what's going on down there as the years go by. While I too am a football lover, I certainly can't pass up a few hours with out Tweedledee and Tweedledum. My sweet little baby (the future Tweedledoo?) and I hung out at the house together, smiling and cooing. He got a nice relaxing bath, lots of cuddles, and a peaceful of-to-bed time. And I even squeezed in about an hour of uninterrupted sewing before they arrived home. I sure did love the calmness of the evening, though at times I have to admit it almost felt a little too quite. Sure, I love to get away from these guys every now and then, but when it comes down to it, I'm thinking of them constantly. Always wondering how they are, if they're having fun, if they're safe, how they'll be when they return home... Let's face it: caring for them is my job. While you always need a break from "work," it's never far from your mind.

To add to the sporting excitement, we finally made it to an Astros game yesterday! Pinkie and Pa treated us to an afternoon game and we had a blast. Unfortunately Mark still had to work so it was just the boys and me with the grandparents. I would have loved for Mark to see the excitement on their faces. Especially Kolbe! He really (I mean really!) got in to it and knew what was going on. I'm saying he skipped going to the food court to get snacks because he didn't want to miss any of the action! Now that's some serious baseball lovin'! We had a fabulous day and since the Astros definitely won't be making an appearance in the post season, we'll just have to plan on doing it again next season...and this time with Dada!

2. Last week was supposed to be the kick off get-togethers for a couple of groups that the boys and I are joining. One, a pre-school group and the other a mom's book study group. Wouldn't you know it, Reagan just had to get sick on the day of the first one. High fever and all. And decided to let it linger for five more days. He acted just fine, continuing to play as if nothing was wrong, yet he ran a fever non-stop, had a nagging cough and a bit of a runny nose too. I took him to his pediatrician because we couldn't find Mark's otoscope and wanted to rule out an ear infection. Of course, we got the "it's probably just some sort of virus" for an answer. Don't you just hate that response!?! I'd much rather have the "here's-what-you've-got-and-here's-how-to-fix-it" diagnosis. Instead it was just "keep treating with Tylenol or Motrin for the fever and it should go away within the next few days." Sure enough, it did, but still annoying. I'm Mama! I'm supposed to be able to fix it! He's much better now, and thus far, no one else has shown any signs of having it, so hopefully the coast is clear!

3. So. Over the past week I finally broke down and had to get a little extreme with my whole nursing issue that's been going on. I haven't mentioned it in the past few weeks, but it has continued to rage on. I finally succumbed to the obvious and realized that there was no way the thrush was going to clear up with the tactics I had been using. Grant is going to continue to pass it back to me, I'm going to continue to pass it back to him, and on and on. Heck, I went through 2 seven day rounds of doctor prescribed medicine for it, tried all kinds of probiotics and cleaning methods, and plenty of other recommendations from various people and websites. All to no avail. So I bit the bullet and decided to stop nursing until I felt like it was cleared up for both of us. I strictly pumped and fed him his milk from a bottle for five days straight, all the while praying that at two-and-a-half months old he'd still be willing to go back to nursing. I'll start by saying that the pumping and bottle feeding method that I was forced to use with Kolbe (due to his cleft) is much harder when you have other kids roaming around. It takes just as long to bottle feed Grant as it does to nurse, and then I still have to sit and pump for another ten minutes or so. It takes way longer! And then there's the whole issue of modesty when the big boys are sitting right there. Anyway, I started nursing Grant again yesterday when we went on the Astros trip. Thankfully, he went right back to nursing as if there was no lapse at all. (That's my boy!) But unfortunately, a day and a half later the burning and blanching in back. That took no time at all. Not sure what to do next. I know that I don't want to have to pump and bottle feed from here on out, but I also know that I can't tolerate the pain and burning and stay positive for my other kiddos and family yet I do want Grant to be fed breast milk and not have to switch to formula. Reagan went his entire babyhood without having any form of a bottle whatsoever. So I just assumed it would work the exact same way with Grant. Man, was I wrong! I'm giving it all I've got, but at this point, I need any prayers I can get too.

Want to see pics from our week?

Last week I mentioned my hubby's's the Oreo cake the boys and I made him from scratch. So yummy! And not fattening whatsoever! (wink, wink)

Two brothers watching high school football!

This is one of my favorite things the boys do lately. When I say, "Show me your muscles!" they do this and flex to the point that their little arms quiver. Hilarious!

Have I mentioned that these guys are obsessed with baseball? We finally got Rudy a glove and he loves it so much that he sleeps with it on. And a ball in the other hand.

Headed to my first Astros game! (By the way, Kolbe wore this same outfit at ten months and Reagan wore it at six months. This is Grant at two months.)

Take me out to the ball game...

I love baseball!
life rearranged

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