Thursday, December 1, 2011

TTT: Season 2, Episode 47

1. Crazy week thus far, I tell ya. Heck, it's 8:00 at night and I'm just now getting around to starting Three Thought Thursday. I usually try to periodically work on it throughout the week so that I can click on that lovely orange "publish" button on Thursday morning. But this week has been such that I've thought quite a bit about things to write about, 'written' them in my head, and then completely lost it all beneath yet another pile of dirty clothes. While the holiday season always brings about a multitude of fun and excitement, it also has it's way of just adding to the work and chaos. Between recovering from Thanksgiving and getting the Christmas decorations set up, it's been non-stop commotion around here. That, and the laundry, of course. I loathe laundry in the winter time. What was once done in six loads now takes nine. Add in two more loads for Kolbe wetting the bed on top of the comforter. And another for the dishwasher spontaneously overflowing all over the kitchen floor, requiring multiple bath towels to clean up. Hey, at least the kitchen smelled soapy fresh for an evening. There's also the let down of Daddy going back to work after being off for five days and G-ma and Papa Jeep being in town. Non-stop fun for five days straight! Then back to boring ol' busy mom. Whan-whant. I'm pretty sure Grant's the only kiddo left who thinks I'm the coolest these days!

2. But I must say...Thanksgiving was awesome!!! Really, the best Thanksgiving in a long time. Mark's parents came in on Tuesday and Wednesday. We had a ton of fun doing things around town and just hanging out at the house as well. And our Thanksgiving meal was second to none. Especially considering I did very little in preparation for it. I know, I know. When you host Thanksgiving, you're supposed to be the hostess with mostest...have every aspect of the meal planned, activities lined up, a table scheme designed, yada, yada. But I figured out far in advance that Mark's mom had every intention of doing the cooking herself. While a lot of women might feel like their toes were being stepped on, I took it as a good excuse to sit back and relax. On Thanksgiving morning, after I realized that there were definitely plenty of chiefs in the kitchen and no room for me to be one too, I opted for a two hour nap. And then a nice warm shower. And was done just in time to enjoy the delicious meal prepared by G-ma, Papa Jeep, and Mark. A nap and a shower back to back? Hasn't happened in ages. Put that at the top of my "thankful for" list! I always joke that Mark's mom is the queen of side items when it comes to big family meals. Thanksgiving was no exception. I mean, really...there were four adults and two small (food eating) children. Beyond the turkey we had mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, green beans, rolls, jello salad, corn bread dressing, chili gravy, regular gravy, and cranberries. And yes, I ate it all. Twice. In one day. Yum, yum, yum! In my (slight) defense, I did make the pumpkin and pecan pies! Like I told Mark's parents, the only thing better than letting someone else host Thanksgiving is letting someone else host your house! It comes right to you! All in all, we had a fantastic time with Mark's parents. Lots of good food and plenty of time together. Can't wait to see them again at Christmas.

3. My baby turned five-months-old on Thanksgiving Day! Time is passing too quickly. As in he's already too distracted with all the nonsense going on around him to even want to cuddle with Mama any more. As in he's become a finicky eater because a) only Mama is allowed to feed him whatsoever...even a bottle of pumped milk, and b) he's too distracted with all the nonsense going on around him to even want to eat in an efficient, timely manner. As in he's rolling over on his own, sleeping on his belly, and trying his hardest to get in a crawling position. Won't be too much longer. He loves to laugh. Loves to suck his thumb. Is completely fascinated by his brothers. Make good eye contact with him and you're sure to get a smile. He's not a fussy baby. It's either calm and laid back or full on wailing! Luckily that second part is usually few and far between. He still likes to fall asleep un-assisted. Doesn't wanted to be rocked, nursed, or held. Just lay him down on any flat surface and he's a goner when he's tired. No crying or anything. He's got a serious sumo belly, thunder thighs, and double chin. Not to mention way more hair than either of his brothers had at this point. And still workin' those gorgeous blue eyes. Not sure if Mark's convinced yet but after getting the definitely-going-to-stay-blue votes from G-ma and Papa Jeep, I'm starting to think they really are going to stay blue! He can just be our little odd ball all around...tall, chunky, and blue-eyed! (I am 5'7", have a tall dad, and a tall brother, might I remind you!'s really not all that odd for him to be tall!...and both of his grandfathers have light eyes!) Love, love, love this little guy.

5 months and cuter than ever!
Nom, nom, nom!

After perusing all of the Black Friday ads, the boys and I made a massive pile of "leaves" and spent a good chunk of time rolling, jumping, throwing, and sliding through them.

Out at the waterway in The Woodlands! Such a fun night!

Our poor little Christmas looked just fine in our little cozy family room in Lubbock. But with a two-story high family room in this house, it looks down right pitiful. Maybe I can snag a good tall one on clearance at the end of Christmas clearance sales.

Gotta love a bike ride in cool, fresh air with bright blue skies.

Mark sent me this picture from work. Apparently a wayward sock accompanied him to the the hospital via his pant leg. Nothing says "I'm the father of little children" like a 3T sock dangling from your cuff.

Grant has officially figured out his hands! He grasps at anything you put in front of him, though he doesn't do the best job of hanging on just yet. Lately he's been cracking me up with his crib sheet...I'll hear him in there babbling after his nap and go in to find him desperately trying to pick up the little trees on the sheet. Check out that furrowed brow! He's trying so hard!

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