Thursday, January 12, 2012

TTT: Season 3, Episode 2

1. We got a new fridge this week! Toot, toot! We've been (very unsuccessfully) trying to set aside money to get a new one for a while and after receiving a few generous monetary Christmas gifts, finally had enough to splurge and go get one. Our existing fridge was still working, it just was doing a very bad job of meeting our wishes. Those wishes being to have enough room to store our food and to make ice. When we sold our house back in Lubbock, the buyer requested our kitchen fridge as part of the deal. We gave in and just took our garage fridge with us, which is what we have been using ever since. While it's not a bad fridge, it's a small, very basic model with a broken ice maker. After seven months of filling ice trays and cramming food in, we're happy to have a new, big, ice-making fridge in the kitchen! And it dispenses water to boot! That little feature will definitely come in handy with one of my goals for the following year: drink more water. I'm horrible about it. But now with cold water right at my finger tips, I'm sure I'll get better. Maybe. Hopefully.

2. I think I've got a little case of the winter-time blues. All of the hustle and bustle and excitement of the holidays has ended and it's back to boring normal life. I strike at 'boring' because it doesn't seem quite the right word. 'Cause really, how could a life taking care of three boys be 'boring?' It almost seems like an oxymoron to be both 'bored' and 'busy,' but I guess that's kind of how it feels. Lord knows I'm busy all. the. time. Heck, there's more that I need to get done than I could possibly do in an entire week's time. With no kids to 'make it interesting!' But it kind of just feels like I've become bored with the mundane-ness of this whole existence. Can you blame me for being tired of nursing the baby....again? Making lunches....again? Reading that same book....again? Attempting to discipline the boys for the same issue...again? I do realize that in days to come I'll long for the boys simply to come home and share a lunch with me or want my advice on things they should or shouldn't do. I realize that. But right now, I'm not ashamed to admit that this work is exhausting. I often feel disconnected from them solely based on the fact that I've somehow entered a zombie mode of existence. I've felt this way before. And I know I'll feel it again, too. It comes and goes, as does most things with parenting. And like I said, most of it now is just a let down from the 'seasons' changing. Gotta get reality back to being an enjoyable place to be.

3. Speaking of returning to real life, I feel like we've kind of hit somewhat of a lull in our learning endeavors at home. Could it be possible that the boys want...or even need a break from learning? Granted, I remember plenty of times growing up when I was burnt out with school. Or just did whatever it took to get by and really was uninterested in what I was actually learning. I think most kids feel that way a lot of the time. The boys used to get excited about our little learning activities and now it's more like pulling teeth. They've reached a point where they really don't want to participate and it's frustrating for me. To the point where they intentionally respond incorrectly to get me going. Like "Ok, Kolbe spell out these letters for me." And he intentionally says the wrong letters when I know good and well that he knows his alphabet. So then it becomes disciplining over education. And I'm pretty sure it isn't supposed to be that way! Which leaves me realizing that I need to probably give it a little rest or do things in disguise for a while and then try some different strategies with these yahoos. One in particular would be doing some type of physical activity before sit-down learning activities. Their stir-craziness just compounds the issue!

Ugh! Sorry to be a downer this week! Guess some just go that way. It really wasn't a bad one, I swear! On another note, I've done another post below with my 2012 bucket list! Instead of resolutions, I've got quite the hefty to-do list for the year. Things I'd like to make happen in the next three-hundred-and-fifty-some-odd days! And here's our pics from the week, too.

fascinated by the fridge installers...please pay no attention to our counters! We had to empty the old fridge!

Working on math problems with his new street signs that he got for Christmas

Trying on brother's helmet...he's ready to be a big boy too!

My favorite comfort food this winter...baked potato soup!

Pa's birthday was yesterday and the boys had a blast spending the whole day hanging out with Pa, making his cake, and making homemade pizza for dinner. The cutest chefs around!

Make a wish!

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand what you mean about the normal everyday routine being boring, but not boring at the same time. Sometimes I think it would be so much easier to do what Mike does everyday even though he has a stressful job. Like I feel like being a stay at home mom is so much more involved and literally uses every bit of energy I have. But then you have those really rewarding days that make it all worth it!
