Thursday, December 13, 2012

TTT: Season 3, Episode 50

1. Christmas is just twelve days away. Twelve! Right about now I'm at that point where my to-do-before-Christmas list is so long that I'm thinking that curling up in a ball in a dark corner of my closet seems like a better idea.  I do realize that it all will get done, one way or another. Right now it's just feeling a little daunting! Fun though. Fun, but daunting. I love this time of year. And all of the many, many things that there are to do regardless of if they make me feel stressed out or not. The presents to wrap, parties to attend, Christmas plays to beam over (Kolbe's first!)'s all just so much fun. Sure, a long list of orders to fill by this time next week hangs over my head, but it's just part of the gig for this time of year. And less than two weeks from now I'll have absolutely nothing to do other than relax and enjoy my family. Can't wait!

2. Our party that we hosted on Saturday was so. much. FUN! We had a house full of kids. And I mean full. Luckily, the weather was still very warm so they got to play outside quite a bit and honestly, didn't cause much damage to the game room upstairs. It was no more messy after everyone left than it is on a normal day. And having time for the husbands to get together with us was a lot of fun too. We wives get so used to our usual chit-chat so it's always enjoyable to get to know the other side of their families. I'm so blessed to be a part of such a great group of ladies that have the same beliefs and priorities as me. They've all been so kind and welcoming...and the boys most definitely love all the kids that come with mom's book group too!

3. Time for randomness!
- Is there any way I can ask for a vocabulary for Grant for Christmas? He is so right on the edge of putting it all together and it's driving both of us crazy! He does have a few words that I'm able to decipher. But for the most part he just uses various pitches of screaming. By the time Mark gets home I'm often to the point of just needing at least ten minutes to not be in his presence. I love that baby dearly, but man, it would sure be nice for the screaming to cease!

- The carpet in our family room grosses me out. It's obviously original to the house which was built in almost ten years old. We're the third family to live here, all with kids. Grant's year long spit-up fest just added to its beauty. And it's to the point where getting it cleaned works for a week or so but the pad is stained so they all just come right back. But what's the point in changing the flooring while the kids are still this age!?! Ugh. *Dreaming of pretty hardwoods*

- What am I most looking forward to in the week to come? Kolbe's Christmas play at pre-school! He's one of the wise men...the red one, so I'm told...and he's so excited. Almost as excited as me!

- This is probably the cutest thing ever:

Just a small portion of the collection of kiddies we had at our house on Saturday night. 
After the party, Kolbe was exhausted! Since he doesn't nap anymore, he's used to going to bed fairly early. For the first time in a looooong time, he fell asleep on Mama's lap. Man, I cherish moments like this!
Poor Sir. This is what he gets for playing outside in December.  A forehead full of mosquito bites and his usual crazy reaction. In December! Grrr.
Oh yay! It finally cooled off! Now I can wear my jacket and perhaps play outside without getting eaten alive.

1 comment:

  1. La! I read your post on my phone a couple days ago but just now had a chance to watch the video!! HAHAHA! I love love LOVE it! :) Andy and I really enjoyed it -- we can't wait for the encore performance next weekend! Love y'all!
