Thursday, October 27, 2011

TTT: Season 2, Episode 42

1. This past week was busy, productive, and lots of fun. There seems to be lots going on around here in October...which is when the weather allegedly cools off. (*cough, cough*) We've had several Halloween events to go to, parties to attend, and the boys took in their usual when-Dada's-not-on-call football game. They also had a real treat on Saturday morning when Mark took them to the movie together to see The Lion King in 3D. Kolbe did fantastic and made it through the whole movie, but Reagan fell asleep with about thirty minutes to go. This was also after waking up at about 5:00am that morning. Little turkey. So they got to have lots of fun with Mark over the weekend, while I was able to get lots of work done for my shop. It's been super busy lately...never a bad thing just before the holidays. Other than the fact that it requires extra time, of which I have little. But I keep telling myself that some day I'll have all the time in the world to grow my little shop into something bigger, and for now I just need to enjoy it for what it is. 'Cause when "someday" rolls around, I'm sure I'll be wishing I had little toddlers roaming around stealing all of my time and attention!
2. Our little bruiser celebrated his four month birthday this past week. Man, is he ever a joy to have in our family! And I can't hardly believe that he's already been here for four months! At his doctor's appointment he weighed in at 17 pounds, 4 ounces, measured 26.5 inches tall, and had a head circumference of 17 some-odd centimeters. (I can't remember that one exactly...just the fact that it was in the 97th percentile!) Needless to say, he's our most robust, jiggly, porky, stout baby yet! He's just on the verge of rolling over, loves to babble, and gets absolutely tickled to death when you make eye contact with him and he breaks out in a smile. He's not a great napper, but loves his sleep at night. Strangely enough, he doesn't prefer to be nursed down or cuddled to sleep and often does better just setting him down and letting him dose off. He loves to stand or sit up instead of being held in a reclining position. He still has his beautiful baby blues and his short, spikey hair is finally starting to lay down as it grows longer. He loves being in the car and can't get enough of his big brothers. Seriously, when it's just him and me at home, he seems on, mom, you're not nearly entertaining enough! Where's the boys!?! He rarely cries. But when he does, it's good! And it's always either I'm hungry! or I'm sleepy! He's the sweetest, big...guy ever and we can't get enough of him!

3. I went a little overboard with pictures this week because I finally got my new phone (hooray!) and have been loving playing around with the much faster model of my old one. (no, I didn't get the new iPhone 4S...just upgraded to the 4...which is still leaps and bounds above the one I was rolling with that froze up all. the. time!) Anyway, I'll just let all the fun pictures tell the stories...

Super Cool movie boys!

Kolbe and Rudy trying to steal Pa's attention away from Grant

Can you guess what the boys are for Halloween? They go by the names of Doc, Grumpy, and Dopey! And yes, it's nearly impossible to keep the beards on and nearly impossible to get Kolbe to wear the glasses low on his nose like Doc.

Taking treats to the ladies at the retirement community

Love this boy.

Two brothers cuddling

Two brothers chatting

Two brothers getting busted for being out of bed and reading books to each other by the night light instead of sleeping! I swear they have the words to some of them memorized!

Masklophobia: The irrational fear of mascots. Kolbe used to be a victim but he's finally in remission. Now it's just Rudy we've got to work on.

Future Superstar! There's a big open air shopping area in the middle of The Woodlands called Market Street that we like to stroll around sometimes. We've seen groups of teenaged kids there on multiple occasions sitting around playing their guitars and singing. Kolbe is always so fascinated by them and has been telling us that he wanted to take his guitar up there and play with them. Of course the one time we finally let him take his guitar, there are no teenagers there playing! So he got to steal the show and sit on the steps and play all by himself. What a guy!

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe how big Grant is getting! To put things into perspective...I weighed 18 pounds at 18 months old, so he's doing much better than his Aunty was! Maybe he could give Jackson some pointers too! Love all the pics & wish we could give those boys a squeeze!
