Thursday, November 11, 2010

Three Thought Thursday: Episode 45

1. My sweet little boy, Kolbe, turned three this week. Three! Meaning we've officially kicked off his fourth year of life. Sounds strange.  Has it been that long? Or has it been longer!?! Sometimes it seems like both. Because really, the memories of his (dramatic) birth seem like yesterday. Yet, it's honestly hard to remember life before being a mother. I mean, I know it existed and Mark and I managed to not be bored to tears in some way or another, but really, what did we do before kids!?! Kolbe's little life as been such a fun journey of highs and lows and ups and downs. I wouldn't change a single thing about it. In fact, I'm so glad to have gone through everything we have with Kolbe. And glad he was our first. Talk about an initiation into motherhood! I think if I would have had Rudy first, I may not have truly known what it would require to be the mom I want to be. (You know, the whole major self-sacrifice thing.) Kolbe is such a bright, fun, fascinating, energetic, spunky, sweet little boy. The hilarious things he says keep us in stitches daily and his fun, carefree attitude helps remind us that there's so much to enjoy about life. Such as being his mama. It's one of the best things to ever happen to me.

2. Speaking of the years flying by, where has 2010 gone!?! Someone once told me that the older you get, the faster the time goes. I think he must be right. 'Cause right now it feels like last Christmas was so recently and here we are with this Christmas right around the corner. But somehow, the days often seem to take so long. Like the ones where I look at my watch and think, oh come on, bed time! Yet hundreds of days have passed since the year began and still it feels like it just started. Part of wanting to start this whole three-thought-Thursday thing was not wanting to miss anything from this life as a mother. Wanting to be able to keep track of all that really goes on. So in years to come, when I find our house a quieter, a little less rambunctious...a little more lonely...I'll be able to look back and re-live such a precious time. I guess I don't have to wait till then, though. Maybe if I read back through all of my posts from the passing year, I'll be able to see and fully appreciate all that has gone on this year. And not just dwell on how fast it is going by.

3. Of all the new things our home has seen in 2010, the start of my little business has been one of the biggest. At least for me. Most of the males in the house could really care less. 'Cause other than running to the post office, they're pretty much un-aware that it even goes on. I didn't know what to think when starting up the shop. Would I even sell anything? And originally my hopes were that maybe I'd sell something once a week. Or twice on a good week. I had not idea that it would quickly grow into once a day. Which on one hand is super exciting. I love it! But on the other, I feel like I've reached the point where this is as big as I want it to get for now. I promised myself in the beginning that the only way I was going to do this was if I could keep operations to just nap time, and right now I'm about at my max. Each nap time is filled with a list of custom orders or things to make for the shop and while the competitive, business-minded side of me is thinking Great! Do more! The mama side of me is thinking any more than this will infringe on either my mama time or my family time (when Mark gets home). And I really don't want to compromise that. I'll gladly push it to the back of my mind in exchange for time to bake cookies with the boys. Or go drive around with Mark and the kids. But overall, just really exciting to see this actually turn in to something fun, profitable, and challenging for me.

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