Thursday, November 25, 2010

Three Thought Thursday: Episode 47

1. First of all, Happy Thanksgiving to all!!! I'm sitting here on the couch in the early morning hours watching Kolbe and Rudy peruse the pile of Christmas books that just yesterday made the journey from our storage shed to the coffee table. And watching their fascination with the Christmas tree lights in the dark family room too! And enjoying the smell of Baked Pumpkin French Toast pouring out of the kitchen. (Can't wait to dig in!...I'll let you know if it's good!) These are the moments I look forward to each holiday season. They're so special, so magical...little moments that i hope are creating memories in the boys' minds that will last until they have their own families some day.

2. We will be heading over to Mark's mom's house for Thanksgiving today and I'm really looking forward to spending time eating good food and just relaxing. (possibly even sneaking in a cat nap??? With these never-ending colds that the boys and I have had, the waking up at night time has been killing me!) Mark's mom is the queen of side items. It's something I look forward to at each big holiday meal we enjoy over there. Beyond the turkey and ham, I'm sure there will be no fewer than about ten additional items--salad, green beans, corn, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, gravy, chili (a spicy meat and green chili based topping they like to put on their food), fruit salad, rolls, tortillas...not to mention the desserts! I think when we went by last night there were four different varieties of pie on standby for today. I love getting my plate and getting just a little bit of everything! So yummy! Really, to be honest, the Martha Stewart in me looks forward to hosting our own Thanksgiving meal some day. I know that right now we are in the season of our lives where the grandparents are just desperate to get to spend these special holidays with their grandbabies and I must admit that just showing up and eating is nice. But one of these years it will be our turn to host them. And I'll have the pressure on to create the perfect meal. All the yummy sides included! The boys and I spent yesterday morning making pumpkin pies and then in the afternoon, Miss Lora volunteered to watch the boys for a few hours so that I could put all our Christmas decorations up. While decorating, I threw together some fresh banana bread and the beginnings of this morning's breakfast. Not exactly the full Thanksgiving kitchen explosion but enough to put me in the holiday mood. And getting all the Christmas decorations set up by myself (other than the ornaments, of course...we'll all do those together) was awesome! The boys came home from G-ma's last night to their own little winter wonderland. And again, their faces were priceless!

3. Well last week I wrote about my lethargy surrounding getting my Christmas act together. I suppose saying that I got all of the Christmas decorations up would suffice to say that I've somewhat remedied my problems. And thanks to Amazon, I did get a little bit of shopping done. My Shutterfly order is still entirely in the works though. I did get one little project done. Ok, "little" should only be used to describe the size of this project's pieces. In my mind, I imagined this to be a quick, easy, little Christmas project. And in reality, it took Really, about half way through I almost threw in the towel or set it aside till next year. But I managed to press on and get them done.

Christmas countdown chains. Two of them- each twenty-four links long to count down the days until Christmas arrives. (One for our family and one for my cousin Mandi's) Growing up, I remember making these with construction paper and a stapler, but I recently had an idea that it would be so cute and easy to have one made out of adorable Christmas fabrics. Cute--yes. Easy--no. Between cutting the fabric, applying interfacing, sewing around multiple times, adding a metal snap to each took way longer than I thought it would. Good thing this guy will probably last forever, because I'm not making one ever again! And instead of getting to staple the paper together every year, the boys will get to snap the pretty links together to make our long chain. Perched beside our advent calendar, I hope it will be a nice little addition to our Christmas collection. On to the next project!

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