Thursday, January 3, 2013

TTT: Season 3, Episode 52

Alas, it's Thursday. And not the last Thursday of the year as the "title" to this post might indicate. Instead it's the first Thursday of the year. I completely skipped last week. On purpose, of course, being that we had family in town for nine days straight. But I can't bring myself to end Season Three without a post. How sad would it be to stop at fifty-one when we all know good and well that there are fifty-two weeks in a year!?! So I'll end my Season Three of weekly blogging with a wrap up of my 2012 Bucket List. You know, the one I wrote about once upon a January 2012 and have attempted to keep up with throughout the year. Let's see how I did...and I'll even get a little fancy for you. I've left the original goal in black, with the results in either red, green, or blue. Red- FAIL, Green- SUCCESS!, Blue- Work in progress.

1. Drink more water. Eh. I still try. Still not a fan. Whatever. 
2. Try new foods. Get Thai food with Mark at least once. Yay! I have tried new foods. Several! And got Thai twice. The first time was yummy, the second, not so much. But I did it. 
3. Follow the two daily devotionals that I received for Christmas for a full year. Eek. One of them (Jesus Calling) I really did love. I got a little lax on it in the past few months with all of the busyness but it's one I plan to carry in to 2013 as well. The other lost me along the way. 
4. Read our Dave Ramsey book and fine tune our budget. This was a success but also more of a realization- budgets are a work in progress. Family needs change all the time so the budget is in constant need of fine tuning, but this area is definitely going well.
5. Make at least one thing for our home each month. I may have gone a little overboard on this one...pillow covers, curtains, tree skirt, several different wall hangings, subway art....
6. Make curtains for our family room, rec room, and kitchen, and the boys' room. Can I just strike this one? I did make curtains for the kitchen and decided I like the windows better without. Same with the game room. It needs as much light as possible. Can I just say I love the ones I made for our room???
7. Blog more often. This goal kind of evolved. I definitely kept up my regular weekly post, but they also definitely just turned in to a regular family post. I used to try to keep family posts and TTT posts separate, but hey, there's only so much time in the day to maintain both. That being said, I'm planning a few changes for the ol' blog. More to come on that later. 
8. Develop and maintain a house cleaning schedule. Ever, ever, ever a work in progress. Bahumbug
9. Take a weekend trip with just Mark. We did! For Mark's birthday. Sure, we just stayed in Houston but it was fun nonetheless and we talk about how nice it was to get away together all the time. Maybe we should set our sights on making it out of the city limits next time!
10. Teach Kolbe how to read. This is going really well! He can sound out most age appropriate words and it's finally all making sense for him, though he still is quite impatient with it. 
11. Teach Reagan his full alphabet and numbers. I majorly underestimated this kiddo. He is nearly up to pace with Kolbe on already reading. 
12. Develop and implement a manageable discipline system. As much as I loathed this one in the beginning, I now love it. Sure, it will always be a work in progress, but I feel like I've learned so much about my kids and why they do what they do over the past year. 
13. Pray the rosary more. At times this was a great success, at others, not so much. What I found was that when I am praying the rosary regularly, I feel much more at peace. Less anxious. 
14. Find a way to volunteer with the children. Doh. Uh, .... I, uh.... Yikes. Fail. 
15. Actively listen more. Sure, I zone out some, but I've worked hard on this one and I feel like it has helped. 
16. Less cell phone. Again, success at times, fail at others. I plan to make this a high priority in 2013.
17. Purge our house and donate items at least six times. Huge success. I think we went around once a month. Sometimes it may have just been a few things, but it has helped so much in ways of organization and also showing the boys the importance of both giving to those who have less as well as getting rid of things we don't need.
18. Take a mini family (overnight) vacation. I was hoping this would be an independent trip but that didn't really happen. We took lots of trips, but all were either to family's homes or for a specific family event. 
19. Write and send a meaningful letter once a month. Epic fail. I have no excuses. Just didn't make it happen. (*loathes self*)
20. Treat myself to a spa day- hair, pedicure and manicure. Does it count that I have a gift certificate for a massage that I haven't used yet? And I did go get my hair cut a few times this year. Just no mani or pedi. 365 days and I couldn't make it happen. Sad. 
21. Meet my yearly business goal for my shop. Beyond success. Yay!

So that's that. 4 busts, 8 works in progress, and 9 successes. Not too shabby. And a fun experience overall. My wheels are still churning for my 2013 list. Maybe I'll be a little less detailed, for starts! And that's "Season Three" in the books...thanks for reading!

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