Thursday, March 10, 2011

TTT: Season 2, Episode 10

1. The Lenten season is upon us! Always my favorite time for reflection and putting things in perspective. 'Cause really, I make a much bigger deal out of pretty much everything in life. And in comparison to what I should be focusing on...really... Essentially nothing is nearly as, I make it out to be. Perspective. That's what I'm trying to focus on. Realizing that whatever it is I might be dealing with is exactly what God wants me to be going through. Sure, some things are hard. But really, I'm highly blessed and have quite the wonderful life. I do, I do. And all because of a sacrifice so many years ago.

So what am I giving up? Well any form of food or eating is definitely out since my goal is to gain weight and it's not working. So I'm going to try to work on something that's really shameful and ridiculous for me as a mother.

My language.

Ugh. I'm ashamed to admit that I have a three-year-old and a two-year-old running around and I still manage to let what I consider to be quasi-cuss words slip. You know... the words that are socially all over the place but I certainly don't want the boys repeating. It's horrible...and I'm really embarrassed that I haven't stopped these words sooner, but the truth is, I'm such a social talker that it's so easy for them to just pop out! More specifically, we've got "crap," "freaking," "pissed," and "hell." As in "what the hell!?!" I know. Some of you are cringing that I still say these things...and even let them slip in front of the kiddos. And maybe, just maybe, some of you are thinking Doh! I do it too! So that's my goal. No more bad words! Bite my tongue!

2. I had a special little moment with Kolbe last night. I've been able to feel our baby move for quite a while now. And from time to time Mark will have the patience to feel him too. And then there's Kolbe. I'll put his hand on my belly and he'll hold it there for approximately five seconds and then start squirming. Or I'll say, "Oh! Did you feel that?" and he'll say that he did even though I can tell that he didn't. But last night the baby started moving quite a bit while I was putting Kolbe to bed. I had him hold his hand on my belly and all of a sudden I got the eyebrows-shoot-up-mouth-drops-open-oh-my-goodness-what-was-that! face. It was priceless. He's so excited to get to take care of his baby and just can't wait to see him. He even tells me: "Mama, then I want to hold the baby but not till after they clean him off. 'Cause he'll be real, real, real, real dirty." (the results of seeing pictures of Rudy all messy just seconds after they pulled him out) Can't wait to see these two guys together. And Rudy too! He's not going to know what to do!

3. This week has be so. much. fun. Not like Six Flags fun. Like man-I-really-appreciate-my-friends fun. Like this-is-exactly-how-I-wanted-to-go-out fun. Like wow-God-really-has-blessed-us fun.

Our friends threw us a really great going away party on Saturday and it was awesome! A chance to see and chat with all of our close friends that are still here in Lubbock. And to add to it's awesome-ness, they "catered" it with all of our favorite Lubbock foods: Spanky's cheese sticks, One Guy's pizza, Rosa's tortillas, Caprock Cafe's queso, my cousin Mandi's guacamole, my Uncle Chris's BBQ... oh and, a most delicious cake from our favorite baker, Kerry. She made our wedding cakes, and man, nothing can compare! And since then, we've had dinner with different friends every single night. We've really loved getting to spend quality time with everyone we care about...and not having to cook every night isn't so bad either! Suh-weet!

And really, this is exactly how I wanted to leave. Knowing that we spent quality time with the people we love and care about. And not feeling like we left anything undone. Just three more days. Filled with packing, packing, and more packing. And possibly a little more partying too! This time next week we'll officially be Houstonians...eek! (strange, scary, exciting, weird......)

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