Thursday, March 24, 2011

TTT: Season 2, Episode 12

1. The House Hunt. After last weeks disertation about not having to have the "dream house" at such a young age and being willing to settle on a "good enough" house for now, we did not put an offer in on the "good enough" house. Because right after my blog post, our realtor took us to see one last house that she found in her system. It was the only house we saw on Thursday...and the only one we needed to see 'cause we absolutely loved it. While still a little over our price range, we decided to put an offer in on it and the past week has been back and forth negotiations with the owners. Unfortunately, right now we're kind of deadlocked. They really have no reason to move right now other than that they want a bigger house in The Woodlands, so basically they aren't desperate to sell. And we, while we are desperate to get in to our own place ASAP, are not desperate to get ourselves into a financial situation that we can't handle. Let's just say that we're really close to taking the deal. Hypothetically, we should have enough each month to make the payment comfortably and we should have enough for the closing costs and required down payment. We're just a little gun shy. Right now our budget, like I said, is a hypothetical. We haven't received that first paycheck yet so we're not one hundred percent sure what the income is going to look like each month. And while everything is moving right along with the sale of our house in Lubbock, we're not one hundred percent sure what we'll be walking away with on closing day. Thus, we don't know exactly how much we'll have available for closing costs down here. I'm not really a fan of hypotheticals. Some of you might think I'm crazy...just go for it! Have a little faith! While others of you might think I'm smart...better safe than cautious till you know for sure. Both are probably correct. And Lord willing, this awesome house is the house that's meant for us. But right now, only time will tell. Hopefully within the next week or two we'll have the on-paper evidence we need to take that leap of faith and commit to our new home in The Woodlands. Pray for us!

2. Our new environment. Mark started his new job on Monday and so far, everything is going really well. Of course, it's an adjustment for everyone, but for the most part it has been a smooth transition. Dada is back to work and Kolbe and Rudy are back to "school." "School" is what we refer to as structured learning time each day. We had several months of this routine back in Lubbock and then it all just went to pot when we decided we'd be moving. The focus turned to getting the house ready, moving, and such. But with such instability overall right now, I thought now would be a great time to get back into the swing of our previous normalness. It helps. A lot.

As does the nice, warm weather we are surrounded by down here. Don't get me wrong...I know "nice" in Houston turns in to "miserable" fairly quickly. But right now it's certainly tolerable and we've been able to spend a ton of time outside. We take at least one, often two trips to the park behind my parents' house each day and the boys have been fishing with Mark multiple times. Also at the park behind my parents' house. And it's quite easy to say that the fishing at our little pond in Lubbock doesn't hold a candle to this place! In all the trips back in Lubbock they didn't catch a single fish. Collectively, over about three or four trips, I think we're at around fifteen fish here in The Woodlands so far. You can literally dangle a line with a piece of corn attached down into the water and pull out a fish. The boys love it. Mark being the main "boy" in the group. And yes, it is quite humid down here...we've been in shorts and t-shirts every day since we arrived...and yes, the mosquitos are already out (for real!)...but we're loving the time to spend most of our days outdoors taking in nature. What a beautiful place in the spring time!

3. Randomness.
Bad. We all know that I'm not exactly the biggest pregnant person ever. Like even with Kolbe and Rudy when I did gain normal amounts of pregnancy weight, I never got huge like most pregnant women get. And when I lay down, it's even less pregnant looking. Like full term you can hardly even tell I'm all just goes off to the side kind of. Anyway, that's my defense for a little problemo I'm having. As all the books and websites and doctors say, when you're pregnant you're supposed to sleep on your side. It's best for baby, best for you, yada, yada, yada. The problem is, every single night I fall asleep on my side and wake up face down on my stomach. Most people as far along in their pregnancy as I am would find that to be impossible. But somehow I end up doing this every night, several times a night, and continue to sleep comfortably. I wake up to go to the bathroom and find myself face down. I've tried positioning pillows and all that jazz to quit my bad habit but to no avail. And really, I didn't worry much in the beginning because I had no baby bump, but now that  I do...and I can literally feel him squirming around in there as he's smashed up to the mattress, I'm starting to feel bad! Like I said...random...just thought I'd share.

Good. My mom, Kolbe, Rudy and I got a special treat on Tuesday: we got to talk to my brother, Mike, on skype! As most of you know, Mike has been deployed to Afghanistan for a few weeks now and is over flying his plane in the war. While it's easy to send letters and emails, or even have a phone call, there's something so special about getting to actually see someone. To watch him move, hear his voice, see his expressions...and know he is ok. It's something we marvel at and are so thankful for now. 'Cause when my dad went to the war back in 1991, there was no skype. We didn't even have a family computer yet. And certainly didn't have cell phones yet either. Sure there were letters and packages. And we always prayed to God that we'd be home when Dad happened to get a chance to call. Which was like maybe ten times the entire time he was deployed. But my, how technology has changed the way we stay in touch, especially with the people who sacrifice so much for the good of others. What a special treat for us! And hopefully, in some small way, it helps him too. Please pray for all of our soldiers and their families who miss them so.

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