Thursday, March 3, 2011

TTT: Season 2, Episode 9

1. This week has been so exciting (cough, cough) that I don't even know what to write about. Blah. I mean, I guess some stuff went on... Mark and I went out to Plainview to help serve the Agape meal at Raider Awakening. That was fun. Always great to see old RA friends and witness a tiny little portion of such a wonderful retreat. And we went to lunch with all the Lubbock Gaschen family members (my mom's side of the family) on Sunday. Also fun. Haven't seen most of them in a long time. After that we were trapped inside for a wicked dust storm for the remainder of the day. Can't say I'll ever miss that in Houston. On Monday I took the boys up to the bank to visit my old boss. Good to see old friends. And sad to say goodbye. Two trips to Target that day too. Never a bad thing.

Oh, and on Tuesday we went to my twenty week appointments at my two doctors to see our little guy. He's a twelve ouncer now. And a thumb sucker. (Better than the paci obsession? Hopefully.) Got in slight trouble over the fact that I've gained zero pounds. Zero. Pretty impressive. I thought it was one or two...and really I think it is...they didn't start tracking me until I was like thirteen weeks, and surely I gained one or two, right? Supposed to be eating 2400 calories a day from here on out. I'll try, but all this cleaning and stressing over moving and selling the house probably isn't helping much. Really, I'm not trying to not gain. I guess I'm just not really paying attention to eating at all. And like the doc said...the baby is going to get what the baby needs. So really it will just be me that suffers. Doh.

And yesterday we finally had another showing at six in the evening. Thankfully, the realtor called me early in the morning which gave me the whole day to clean the two weeks worth of gross we'd built up. Glad we broke the streak of days without a showing. But still no offer yet. Trying to be patient.

Anyway, I guess we have been busy. It just feels like nothing is happening because the major things that are looming in the distance aren't happening. You know...selling the house, finding a new house, moving to Houston, starting the new job, moving in to the new house. Yadayadayada. Just waiting for it all to happen. But I suppose the most important thing right now is for me to focus on enjoying the remaining eleven days we have here in Lubbock.

2. Eleven days! Ack!

Just want to make sure to treasure the time we have with the people we love while we have the chance to do it. 'Cause once we're gone, it's not ever going to be the same. Sure, we'll come back for visits as often as possible. And hopefully some people will come to visit us too! (hint, hint) But really, the normal-ness...regularity...familiarity of getting to be with the people we see all the time will be gone. Seeing them all will become a special occasion...not "just the norm." Ugh, I don't like the way that sounds. It will be "Hey, we're coming to Lubbock the 18th through the 26th. Will yall be in town so we can meet up?' instead of "Hey, yall doing anything tonight? Want to come over for burgers?" Obviously, I'd prefer the second scenario. And I'm sad that it's inevitably going to turn into the first scenario. Boo.

I'm sad.

3. Ok, tired of talking about that which is obviously ruling my life right now. And I'll talk about my little sewing business for a tick. I put it on hold for about a week and a half at the beginning of February while we were getting the house ready to put on the market. But then once all was done, I found myself with (as I've mentioned before) plenty of time to kill. So I've had a chance to get a lot of sewing done and man, the shop has been busy! In the short month of February alone, despite the temporary shut down for home improvements, I managed to have forty sales. Forty! And seriously, with as expensive as a major move like this is, I'm so grateful for the extra money. Cha-ching! And yes, the sewing machine is going with me to Houston to live at my parents' until the house sells, 'cause God knows I'm probably going to find myself with quite a bit of time on my hands once again. So glad God has brought this little endeavor into my life and glad I've stuck with it.

This time next week we'll be a mere few days away from moving. Hopefully I'll be emotionally stable enough to write. But no promises.

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