Thursday, March 31, 2011

TTT: Season 2, Episode 13

Better late than never! ...

1. Square One. Yep. Back to square one. In the house hunt, that is. The past few weeks I've blabbed on and on about how we found a house we love and had put some offers in on it but were waiting to accept their final counter offer until we got Mark's first paycheck...yada, yada, yada. We expect that first check to be rolling in tomorrow.

And found out that the owners accepted an offer from someone else Tuesday night.

Let's just say that yesterday was not a good day. I woke up to the email telling me that my little house was no longer available. How dare they do that to an emotional pregnant woman! The whole day ended up being rough. Tough pill to swallow. Mainly because I've felt all along that this whole finding-a-new-house thing was mainly my responsibility. I took it upon myself. Sure, Mark likes to be involved and wants to help make the decisions, but after all, I'm a homemaker. He works so that I can stay home, care for our children, and take care of our home. So I really took this whole house hunting project on as "Mark will start his new job and try to get into the swing of an entirely new medical community and practice and I'll find us the perfect house and get it all established." To say it felt like I dropped the ball is an understatement. Especially since there's no "back-up" house. Nothing we liked just as much or second in the running. At least not in our price range. Just our little house we had our hearts set on. There's still the original "dream house" but unless we magically stumble upon an extra $10,000.... we're back to square one.

I know. There are greater tragedies. And thank God we have my parents here with their doors opened for us to stay. But really, I had my heart set on getting into our new home and settled down before the new baby gets here. If things are stressful now, can you imagine trying to move into a new house and get it all set up with a three-year-old, a two-year-old and a few-week-old? The thought alone makes me nauseous. We still have a little bit of time. But supposedly down here things take about forty days from contract to closing, so right now we're looking at mid to end of May. And a few weeks from now, make that June. Same time as we're expecting our little man to arrive. We trust that the right thing is going to end up working out for our family. It's just so hard not knowing how...or when...or where...or....

2. The poor, abandoned house on 72nd. I knew leaving our little home behind in Lubbock just two days after accepting an offer on it would be risky. Even though it wasn't getting shown anymore, knowing our luck, I was certain at least something would happen to it while we were away. Something destructive that I'd have to figure out how to fix from afar prior to the closing.  Something like this:

Good ol' West Texas wind. That and an unlocked, extremely poorly made particle board shed door don't go well together apparently.

My brother Dave has been checking on our house regularly to make sure everything is ok and stumbled upon this on Sunday. Knowing that we have all kinds of stuff stored out there and not wanting to leave it open, I began wracking my brain trying to figure out a way to fix it without hiring a local handyman that would charge me way more than it actually costs. Someone who actually had the tools and skills to fix it.

Enter male super hero extraordinaire, my cousin's husband, Joe. When he's not busy performing orthopedic surgery on the poor unfortunate souls in Lubbock, he's doing things like making a custom Murphy Bed or designer outdoor dog resort. Or creating this cool window in our house. He's got the skills, he's got the tools. To think he'd have it completely done within twenty-four hours was just out of my imagination. But apparently super heroes are not subject to time restraints and thus, the following evening his beautiful daughter, Vanna White Shelby sent me this pic of the new door.

How glad am I to have friends like them who drop everything in their free time to help me out. And how sad am I to know that right now I don't have that here. Boo.

Dear Joe, I realize your parents live down in the Houston area too. Please consider moving to The Woodlands so we won't have to go without the world's best handy man. That, or make sure you're passing through any time our new little house (that we're hopefully going to find) has a problem that we can't fix. Sincerely, Laura

3. The Little Man. It's hard to believe that I'm nearing the end of my third pregnancy. Wasn't it just yesterday that I found out I was expecting? In some regards, I feel sorry for the little fella. The world outside his little comfort zone has been quite a whirlwind. Not the laid-back-take-care-of-yourself-because-your-pregnant kind of world. More like chaos-crawling-around-on-floors-painting-packing-cleaning-searching-fretting kind of world. I suppose that helps explain the lack of weight gain (for me). He, somehow, doesn't seem to mind. In fact, I went to my first OB appointment down here in The Woodlands on Tuesday and right now everything looks just fine. His heart rate was 138 and my uterus measured just right. My blood pressure was 108/70 which is stellar for me. No signs of any rising...yet. He's moving around like a champ and, like most babies, loves to do it the most when ever I finally sit down and relax. He's used to the roller coaster during the day and creates one of his own when the one I create finally slows down. To the unsuspecting, it's still hard to tell that he's even in there. I asked my mom if I honestly looked like I was pregnant. Her answer was, "Uh....kind of more like what people look like right after they've had a baby. Not right before they have a baby."

"Pudgy" or "Chunky in the mid-section" would have sufficed. Or even "nice muffin top." Nothing like being long waisted and pregnant. Despite all the shenanigans going on in our lives right now, we really are looking forward to meeting this little guy and welcoming him into the world. Most importantly into our family. Regardless of where we are living or whose house we're squatting at!

Hope everyone has a good week....hopefully I'll still be able to post next week. Big week ahead! I leave on Tuesday to head back to Lubbock. Packers on Wednesday, movers on Thursday, closing on Friday. Sad...our little life in Lubbock really is coming to an end. But it's good to see that it's all going so least on the selling side of things.

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