Friday, September 10, 2010

Welcome, Welcome!

So I've finally decided to bite the bullet.

I have another blog.

A kind of crafty, kind of thrifty, kind of foody, kind of home-y, kind of journal-ish new blog all rolled in to one. Yes, for a while now I've had not just one, but two other blogs. A family one and one where I spill my guts about my life as a stay-at-home mom. Just ramblings, you know. And I'll be honest. I have read and followed craft and food blogs for quite some time but have always sort of turned up my nose at the whole idea of running one. I thought, really, who has the time to come up with all these ideas, make the item, create the tutorial, blah-de-blah-de-blah.

But here I am. Deciding to start yet another new blog. This time designed to where I can incorporate not just my family, not just my love of writing, but my loves of home-making, parenting, sewing, crafting, decorating, educating, cooking, and more. Our family blog is just for family. Like a timeline. Something we'll be able to look back on years and years from now and smile at the memories with misty eyes. And my other blog... my hopes are to shut it down and incorporate it into this one before too long. Really. No one needs three blogs.

Why make the switch? And why now? Well a while back, say around the beginning of July, I decided to start a little shop on Etsy is essentially a marketplace for handmade goods. Check it out sometime. Seriously. They have everything. You see, I love to sew. Love, love, love it. But don't have the money to do it completely for myself or our family all the time. So I figured if I started up a little shop featuring some of my favorite things to sew, I'd never run out of sewing projects and would always have an excuse not to mop the floor during nap time. Oh, and possibly make a buck or two while I'm at it. So far things have gone really well. It's fun and exciting and I look forward to all the fun that a tiny little business entails.

But back to the whole blog thing. I've noticed that a good portion of the online shops on etsy provide a link to the maker's blog. And I'll be the first to admit that I too love to go check out their blogs and meet the person behind the product. For us stay-at-home moms, its often our only connection to other adults! So here we are. A new blog. I didn't want to share our family one with the whole world and figured I better have one with the same name as the shop instead of the random name of my little writing blog. I don't ever intend for this site to become a tutorial site, a technique site, or anything close. Really, I don't think I'm good enough at anything to be able to "teach" someone else how to do it. And I don't want to create anything that's going to take more of my time than my two existing blogs do...which is minimal. Mainly I'll just continue to write about the life of stay-at-home mom in addition to featuring some of my favorite sewing projects, information about the shop, recipes I've tried and love, fun parenting/educating ideas and more. Sort of like passing along the great things I encounter in my great life. Sound good? Here we go!

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